Posted May 30th, 2011
I played Pulcinella’s on friday night to what I think was probably the best crowed I’ve seen. The place was busy from start to finish. On Saturday I was at the 909 in Burien, another great evening! Thanks so much for showing up. I realize that you have plenty of other things to do with your time and money so if I happen to figure into those plans….WOW! That is very humbling for me. On Sunday I played at church of course for the 5:30 mass. As good as the gigs are, Holy Mass is always the highlight of the week for me.
I want to make sure to say a HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who have served our country in the military. The sacrifices so many of you have made are immense. We would not be able to enjoy the wonderful freedoms we have if it weren’t for you. MAY GOD BLESS all our Veterans and their families. You have truly made our lives so much more fruitful. I hope you all had a very enjoyable Memorial Day weekend up to this point and that you are not stuck in traffic somewhere trying to get ont eh ferries or coming over one of the passes.
This Friday at Pulcinella’s and Saturday night up on Snoqualmie Ridge at the Uncorked Wine Bar.