Posted Jun 26th, 2011
Hey there! Just excited to let you know that some very close friends and I will be performing Wednesday night, June 29th, on “America Sings”, which will be broadcast over the Gospel Music Channel. We will be competing against various church choirs and a’capella groups from across the country for a $10,000 prize. It is a veiwer votes type of contest so I hope you can tune in and give us your support. For Comcast customers in the Seattle area, the channel is ….are you ready…#482 haha! Its out there but I hope you can find it, tune in and give us your support by voting for us. We are “The Guardians” and we are made up of Police Officers (of which I used to be) and a lone Firefighter (what I am now). Hope you enjoy it. God Bless!
the following is a link to the show: